10:11 PM
Posted by
Linda McGregory
On the 2nd of March, 2008 the elections of the new Russian President took place. There were four candidates: Dmitry Medvedev (the Prime Minister of Russia), Gennady Zuganov (the leader of the Communist party), Vladimir Zhirinovsky (the leader of the Liberal and democratic party) and Andrey Bogdanov (the leader of the Democratic party). However even before the election day nobody doubted in the final results of these elections. According to Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation as of 7:50 a. m. (Moscow time) Dmitry Medvedev is winning with 70,21% of votes. By this time the Commission processed 98,4% of minutes of local election committees. Gennady Zuganov is the second with 17,78%, the third is Vladimir Zhirinovsky (9,38%) and the last one is Andrey Bogdanov (1,29%).
According to the total number of votes given for Dmitry Medvedev in the President elections, his results are even better than those of Vladimir Putin four years ago. In 2004 Putin got 49 558 328 voters and Medvedev already has 49 675 000 citizens and these are not final results yet.
Anyway now Russia has its new President – Dmitry Medvedev who, we hope, will live up to the expectations and hopes of all Russian people.
News from Russia
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